To help protect both your finances and personal security, here are five important tips to keep in mind:
- Pay attention to text messages and email alerts regarding transactions on your account(s) and report discrepancies or unauthorised activities immediately to your bank and other relevant authorities.
- Be observant at all ATMs. When using your card at any ATM, check carefully. Look for glue stains or any unusual markings around the area where the card is inserted (card reader) and the keypad. You should also move the parts with your hand to check if they are loose. Also, look around for any hidden cameras inside the ATM facility. If uncomfortable for any reason, use another ATM.
- Protect your PIN. Memorise it and never disclose it to anyone or keep it written down. When entering your PIN at an ATM or on a POS machine at any merchant, use your free hand as a shield, so that others around won’t easily see the numbers you are entering.
- Never let your card out of your sight. If using your card at a petrol station, a restaurant, or at any merchant, never allow the person serving you to walk away with your card. Use the ATM or POS alone and avoid asking a third party for assistance.
- Consider maintaining an expense account linked to your debit card and transferring funds to that account for spending as needed.